Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dairyland Not to be confused with Disneyland

Our last night in interlaken was busied with Swiss chocolate and late night selecta (their vending machine brand) run. We had to have something to dip in our nutella and sour gummy fries were just that. In the morning we packed up,ate breakfast and hopped on the train to Bern. About 25 min later we hopped back off the train and waited for the next one back to interlaken because emily left her blanket and sheet in the room. When we got back I took a nice refreshing jog in the cold sprinkley air and retrieved the sleep stuff. Fortunately the scenery between interlaken is beautiful so we didn't mind seeing it 3 times. Except our seat the last time happened to be next to the only seats on the train without a window view!

Our time in Bern, the capitol of Switzerland, was short and tiring. Because we
weren't staying the night we had to carry our luggage with us along the tour of the city. As soon as we walked out of the station there stood before us the American embassy to brighten our day...well it was actually starbucks, and it made us feel like we were at home. After warming up inside away from the bitter cold we walked to the parliament building (did you know the Swiss have 7 presidents), the big funny clock tower, and the bear pits. Yes, bear pits. Bern is german for bear so I hear and the city is named after them so they have a pit with live bears in the city. The bear was really cute and smaller than I expected. We felt like our 2 hours. there were sufficient and caught the next train to lucerne.
Lucerne was a beautiful city with a huge lake, picturesque mountains and a castle. wall. Our hostel/hotel was very nice and clean and we ended up having a 4 bed room to ourselves. We made a wonderful dinner with stuff we bought at the grocery store and chatted in our room. The next day we visited the pride of the city--a lion sxulpturecarved into a mountain. We took a picture and walked away...not too exciting. We did get find a path that led up to a spot where you can see the whole city and lake which was really pretty. There's not all that much to do in lucerne we found out, especially at night. So we went for a run through the town in 40 degree weather, ran past the lion again just in case the first time wasn't exciting enough, and crossed all 5 bridges back and forth that go over the river. It was a great night and and we got to see a castle wall that goes around a part of the city.

Our time there was relaxing and slow paced--we fed bread to the French swans, ate more Swiss truffles, made sure to eat dairy products even though we couldn't find any lucerne brand and indulged in 2 American treats: starbucks and mcdonalds. Oh and I paid with American dollars at mcdonalds which was so weird. Switzerland was beutiful and expensive, and was everything I hoped for. Except I didn't see any men in liederhosen yodelling and playing the digerydoo. I have no clue how that's spelled but it seems like it belongs in Switzerland.

1 comment:

  1. Starbucks = American Embassy... you got that from me :).

    Isn't Lucerne milk a Vons brand or something?
